Bon Ton Collection
Bon Ton, a classic that never goes out of style, a canon for those who appreciate beauty and harmony. Stones set with a hundred facets and a thousand iridescent reflections, which in transparency reveal a delicate geometric design. You can play with these shapes and colors. You can even go back to being a child. Because these luminous quartz, transparent or colored, that the hand of the carver has made faceted, create a kaleidoscope of shapes and reflections that capture the eye.
- Bon Ton Round Ring From €940,00 /
- Bon Ton Round Rock Crystal Earrings €1.290,00 /
- Bon Ton Rectangular Ring Rocca From €1.100,00 /
- Bon Ton Rectangular Rocca Earrings €1.650,00 /
- Coup de coeur earrings €1.450,00 /
- Bon Ton Round Obsidian Ring From €940,00 /
- Bon Ton Round Obsidian Earrings €1.290,00 /
- Bon Ton Rectangular Obsidian Ring From €1.100,00 /
- Bon Ton Rectangular Obsidian Earrings €1.650,00 /
- Bon Ton Round Amethyst Ring From €980,00 /
- Bon Ton Round Amethyst Earrings €1.400,00 /